Japan 2022

I’m in high gear planning travel. Made the first reservation for a summer 2022 backpacking trip to Japan with our nephews (they’ll be 12 and 13) and their dad. We’ll explore less popular, more remote areas. On the way home, we’ll spend time in Hawaii where their mom will join us.


Found a cure for exercycle boredom: a TV drama series, made in Japan, set in an industrial Hokkaido town. It snows a lot, people get murdered, and the protagonist, manga-style, periodically gets sent back in time to put things right. The cliffhangers bring me back. Deep.

Traveling via Food

Tonkotsu ramen (a Fukuoka, Japan dish) and gyoza, outside, at Zen Box Izakaya, my first restaurant meal since March. I’d planned a trip to Japan, departing in a few days, but it was not to be. I can still travel via food.

Categorized as Japan

Happy Places

Happy place. A memory, situation, or activity that makes you feel happy. Cambridge Dictionary. November 2019. I’m on a nonstop Delta flight from Seoul ICN to Minneapolis MSP on a brand new Airbus A350. I’m contented, sipping wine, snacking on nuts, and anticipating the Korean dinner I’ve preordered. I look out the window and see… Continue reading Happy Places

Hiking the Seoul Wall

Spent much of the day hiking the Seoul City Wall. Originally built in 1396, two-thirds of it still exists today. The wall snakes up and down mountains around Seoul, so we enjoyed a decent hike.