12 Months of Microposts: 2024

Since 2013 I’ve been posting something positive (usually) about each day. In recent years, each December, I’ve selected one Micropost from each month of the past year to include in an omnibus Post. Here’s my 2024 roundup: All Microblog Posts | All Blog Posts | All Journeys

Double Take

We did our regular Sunday walk, but today Dwight stopped every now and then to photograph wildflowers for his City Gardener blog. So I took photos of Dwight taking photos.

Categorized as Blog

2023 Sampler

Posted 12 Months of Microposts: 2023. It’s the little details of each day I try to celebrate in my Microposts—our hobbies and interests, home life, physical activity, volunteering, and being with friends and family.

Adieu to X

Stopped posting my daily Microposts to X/Twitter after almost eleven years. The platform’s shift under Elon Musk’s leadership conflicts with my values. All 4,000 Microposts are archived on tomwilson.com where I can group them by things I care about.

Sayonara X

Finished replacing X Posts (formerly Tweets) embedded in my blog posts with the corresponding Microposts from my Web site. Last year I exported all my then Tweets to WordPress. My site now has no X (formerly Twitter) dependencies, so I now have the option to close my X account.

Twitter Migration

I needed to get as far away as possible from Elon Musk. It was time to migrate all my Tweets to my Web site.