Escape From Twitter

On the day Elon Musk purchased Twitter, downloaded all my Tweets (over 3,500) and developed a scheme for loading them into WordPress as a custom post type. Did a test conversion of the data into a format that can be loaded into WordPress. I’ll continue to cross-post on Twitter.

Twitter Independence

Woke up to the news Elon Musk may buy Twitter. Spent much of the day developing a replacement microblog capability in WordPress. When I add a micropost with WordPress, a Tweet automatically posts to Twitter.

The Ministry

The campus in this photograph became the main offices for a British government ministry in 1948. You could be forgiven for wondering if it was a prisoner-of-war camp, repurposed as The Ministry of Truth, The Ministry of Plenty, or The Ministry of Peace. The campus was originally built as a wartime hospital for wounded servicemen… Continue reading The Ministry

Keeping the Faith Through the Arts

During the last four years, while some in power denied basic, decent human values, the Arts have helped me keep the faith. Here’s some examples from my microblog.

12 Months of Microposts: 2020

Most days I post something about my day in a microblog. Without over-thinking, I’ve selected one post from each month of 2020. January Looking back from today, January 2020 seems like an alternate reality where we could sit in theater audiences, eat in restaurants, and ride public transport. The Minneapolis Guthrie Theater’s artistic director, Joseph… Continue reading 12 Months of Microposts: 2020