Reducing Pathogen Transmission on Long Trips

A few years ago we arrived in Cairns, Australia, off a flight from Guam. Our backpacks alerted a friendly customs official we might be carrying hiking boots. We proudly showed our squeaky-clean boots (thanks, Dwight), but in the process she spotted our trail mix, which contained dried banana pieces. Dried bananas carry a pathogen that…… Continue reading Reducing Pathogen Transmission on Long Trips

Using a Smartphone to Bypass Lines in Spain

April 2018. Hundreds of people were lined up in heavy rain to buy tickets for Spain’s national art museum, the Prado. Some fiddled with their smartphones to alleviate their boredom as they shuffled slowly towards the entrance. They seemed unaware they could use their expensive devices to simplify their lives. I found a sheltered spot…… Continue reading Using a Smartphone to Bypass Lines in Spain