Loaded a San Francisco Bay Area Clipper transit card and a Delta boarding pass for a flight tomorrow onto my watch. We’ll hike from inn to inn in Marin County, ending up next Friday in downtown San Francisco via the Golden Gate Bridge. The watch is a fun addition, its main advantage over my phone…… Continue reading Digital Travel Documents, Real-World Hike
Category: Travel Gear
(Not Quite) Minimal Backpacking
Soon we’ll be hiking inn-to-inn in California. We’ll stay 3 nights in a fake British pub with no tea kettle in our room. Confirmed this minimal (8 ounces) setup reaches the ideal temperature range for coffee (195-205°F). The kit includes Japanese-style filters, a trusty aluminum mug from my teenage years, and two slightly younger plastic cups (about 36 years old).
Excess Baggage
It was time to empty my backpack. Some things I never used in Japan include: a spork (accidentally brought two), a SIM remover (I used an eSIM), work gloves (for clambering over volcanic rocks), and various health and repair items (duct tape included). The mental unpacking, however, will take much longer.
Detergent Sheets
Packed 15 laundry detergent sheets, all of 2 ounces, for the upcoming 50-day trip. They’ve been working well at home, and these 15 sheets will suffice for 15 large loads or 30 small loads. Since Japanese hotel washing machines often dispense detergent automatically, I may bring some sheets back home.
Decluttering Our Travel Tech
Emptied out our bulging travel tech box, Marie Kondo-style. Discarded half the contents, including earphones dating back to Continental Airlines and a GPS from 2001. Thanked the GPS for its service, but it was time to let it go. Retained the phone as a backup for solo travel.
Changing of the Guard
Cycled to REI Co-op to pick up ponchos that also cover our backpacks. The coating on our old ones was disintegrating, and I couldn’t find a good way to remove the old coating then apply a new coating. I thanked the ponchos for their long service then launched them down the chute.
Trip to Patagonia
Our hiking jackets were getting a bit ratty, so we decided to head over to Patagonia in St. Paul. Naturally, we both ended up choosing the same style. We’ll be modeling the jackets in a couple weeks when we go hiking through England’s border (with Scotland) country.
Passport Covers
Posted Passport Covers. Travel influencers urge us to buy unnecessary gear, such as a document organizer, a hotel room blacklight, or an in-flight clip-on cup holder. I add passport covers to that list.
Passport Covers
Travel influencers urge us to buy unnecessary gear, such as a document organizer, a hotel room blacklight, or an in-flight clip-on cup holder. I add passport covers to that list.
Coffee in Bed While Traveling
Hotel rooms in Japan typically provide prefilled coffee filters like these in sealed packets. Today, received empty filters from Amazon we’ll use on future travels to hotels that don’t provide coffee in the room. We’ll simply spoon in ground coffee before pouring the hot water.