Bus There, Walk Back

Bus to NE edge of Minneapolis. Walked back home through a variety of neighborhoods including postindustrial Nordeast.

Dreaming of Kyushu

This winter I’ll be back in Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. I will have visited Kyushu three years in a row: 2013, 2014, and 2015. I go back for the gentle subtropical climate while Minnesota’s long winter refuses to budge. Kyushu is a manageable size, about one-sixth the area of Minnesota or…… Continue reading Dreaming of Kyushu

Car vs. Bus Freedom

Dropped car off for a service in a bland place. Rode the bus to multi-layered Minneapolis. (Behind downtown Lunds.)

Bus to Library

Rode bus to the library: I would’ve been late if I had walked. (This micro-blog celebrates little daily activities!)