Snow fell, I walked.
Category: Winter
Walking on Ice
Walked on Lake of the Isles for the first time this winter.
Almost Grayscale
Walked along the near-grayscale Kenilworth Trail.
Mississippi Cracking Up
Walked with friends beside the Mississippi.
Blue Walk
Blue was the dominant color as I walked beside Lake of the Isles today.
Hibernating Canoes
Walked past hibernating canoes, Lake Calhoun.
Brutally Cold
-16° F (-27° C) at 8:00 a.m. I’m staying home under my blankie today.
Shoveled some of the 6 inches of snow that fell overnight.
Stocking up Before the Storm
Minstrels played in the gallery of a local supermarket while I bought supplies for a weekend of hunkering down from snow and extreme cold.
Fresh Snow Run
Ran on fresh snow in sunshine.