Bonus Cycling Day

Rolled up one pant leg. At this time of year, any day I do that is a bonus.

Categorized as Fall, Cycle

Hardly Leftovers

Prepared dinner with carefully curated ingredients: everything left over from Thanksgiving, except pumpkin pie, stuffing and cranberry. Tomorrow: farce galettes au compote de canneberges (stuffing patties with stewed cranberry for dipping).

Dangerous Birthday Party

Stood by, ready to prevent misuse of dry ice at my nephew’s ninth birthday party at the Science Museum. The kids behaved really well.

Shoveled Snow

Shoveled snow, maybe for the last time this season.

Categorized as Winter

Walking on Fresh Snow

Walked home on fresh snow in daylight after a touching movie and dinner: the first day of Daylight Savings Time.

Ready for Ice Dams

Photographed circuit breakers: if there’s heavy snow while we’re traveling, we’ll get these turned on to prevent ice dams on our old house.