Snow Bunny

On my walk: snow bunny with obligatory carrot.

Categorized as Winter

Glimpse of Fall

On my walk: Concrete, steel and brick; wind and chill reveal structure; trunk, branch, twig and leaf.

Categorized as Fall


Couldn’t out-pedal this storm.

Categorized as Summer

Shedding Snow

On my walk, a grain rail car was shedding yesterday’s snow.

Categorized as Winter

Icy Paths

Managed to stay upright on icy paths as I walked our jogging route.

Until Next Year

Tonight is 12th Night. Our Christmas tree waits to go to our “basement”—a storage cage two floors down.


Looked out at a world that was so icy, bus service was suspended for the first time in 8 years. I could see a dog walker barely staying upright, and emergency vehicles going to accidents. A good day to use the workout room, fix stuff, book travel to warm places.

Categorized as Winter