In Pursuit of a Better Design

How I spent my Sunday afternoon. I keep taking things apart in my quest for a better design. One day, some variant of all this will be one machine… or not.

Categorized as LEGO

Part Reduction

Eliminated parts from my current LEGO Technic project. I’m going for minimal.

Categorized as LEGO

Using Airline Service Trolleys to Organize LEGO Parts

When we mapped out the floor plan for our apartment, we included a closet just off the den for hobby materials and practical stuff. Two rolling carts would sit against a wall: one cart would hold boxes of my LEGO Technics and Mindstorms parts, the other would hold my partner’s Architectural LEGO bricks. I investigated… Continue reading Using Airline Service Trolleys to Organize LEGO Parts


Cycled through a former heavy engineering space… because it’s there, and because I could. Made a mental note to add “gantry crane” to my LEGO Mindstorms to-build list. I did that as a kid, I do that now.

Rain Day Play

Rain Day. Time to play with LEGO Technic.

Categorized as LEGO


Made a mess.

Categorized as LEGO

Learning From Sensei

Played with LEGO Technic, inspired by a minimal design by Japanese LEGO sensei, Yoshihito Isogawa. Next, I need to work on making it walk: today it just stumbles.

Categorized as LEGO

Manifold Destiny

A manifold is a wide and/or bigger pipe, or channel, into which smaller pipes or channels lead. Scott, John S. (1992). Dictionary Of Civil Engineering. Springer. p. 269. Over the past few months I’ve been educating myself about ways to distribute water to indoor house plants by building a series of irrigation systems. A manifold… Continue reading Manifold Destiny