Coffee under a Bicycle

Chilled with a cuppa under a bicycle at Honour Coffee before getting back on my bicycle.

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Maybe in my Next Life…

At Gold Medal Park, towards the end of our walk, these delightful young people asked if we’d like to join the exercise group. Promised I’d consider doing that in my next life

Categorized as Move

Mississippi River Trail

A friend met me at Fort Snelling LRT Station, then drove to Spring Lake Park on the Mississippi, downriver from St. Paul. Cycled part of the beautifully engineered Mississippi River Trail across tallgrass prairie and along river bluffs with great views.

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Tower Tunnel

Early morning cycle, Tower Tunnel, Minneapolis North Loop.

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Avoiding Heat

Suddenly, early morning cycle rides are appealing. I was on the trail, today, soon after 7:00 a.m.: the temperature was already in the 70’s and it was delicious.

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Stocked up on gorp ingredients to fuel upcoming hikes: cashews, granola, pistachios, Asian rice crackers, sesame sticks, wasabi peas, generic M&M’s, raisins, and dried pineapple.

Channelling Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra informed my cycle route today. When I came to a fork in the road, I took it. When I didn’t know where I was going, I ended up someplace else. It wasn’t over until it was over.

Categorized as Cycle