In the Footsteps of Scottish Border Raiders

Booked hotels for a 5-day hike with friends next September. We’ll walk part of The Reivers Way in Northumberland, England, in the footsteps of Border Reivers who terrorized communities from the 13th to the 17th century. We trust the sight of four old geezers won’t terrorize today’s populace.

Soaking Feet, Smoking Volcano

After a day of walking, gratefully steeped my feet in the volcanic warmth of an unusually long (100 meters) footbath. Watched a plume rising above Sakurajima, a volcano that regularly rains ash on the city of Kagoshima.

A Hiking Theme for Each of Japan’s Main Islands

Hiking doesn’t need to have purpose apart from the obvious act of putting one foot in front of the other while staying upright. Sometimes, though, I like to have a theme underpinning a hike. Here’s a hiking theme for each of Japan’s main islands. Kyushu: Matsuo Bashō, 17th Century Traveler and Poet My go-to guide… Continue reading A Hiking Theme for Each of Japan’s Main Islands

Iterative Travel

I don’t do bucket lists. If a place intriques me, I want to return. I reduce the pressure to do and see everything on a trip by telling myself it’s only a prototype. It’s sufficient to experience enough to whet my appetite for the next iteration, er, I mean visit. Just as well I held… Continue reading Iterative Travel

Travel Predictions

I’m betting Japan’s prime minister will announce this week when the country will open for independent travel. Booked MInneapolis to Tokyo in June for us, a nephew, and his dad. There’s one other passenger on the outbound, and no-one else on the return flight. That will change and prices will rise.

Asia Beckons

Posted Asia Beckons. I’ll be visiting Asia in October, but where in Asia? The Japanese government will decide.

Asia Beckons

Sometimes, when I need a little Japan fix, I walk to neighborhood Zen Box Izakaya or cycle to Moto-I or Tori 44. As I walk in to any of these establishments, the maneki-neko (beckoning cat) always beckons. Although the maneki-neko is a Japanese creation, it has been adopted all over East Asia. Right now it’s… Continue reading Asia Beckons