School bus, trapped in lava. Hawaii Big Island, April 2009. My partner and I hiked across lava. A map on our GPS guided us along the invisible lines of streets buried beneath us. A school bus, trapped by lava, reminded us this is a disaster site where homes had once stood. Disaster Tourism can be…… Continue reading Disaster Tourism
Category: Practices
Remains of a Travel Agency
Walked past the remains of a travel agency. I’m grateful the Internet gives me the power to research and actualize my travel dreams.
Meds: An Issue When Planning Travel
Chose a January date to move to our condo. Now, I can plan trips, constrained only by 30-day supplies of a tumor-suppressing medication.
Crossing a Work Zone
For the second time this week the trail was blocked by construction. I was planning a lengthy detour, when a member of the crew came up to me and cheerfully led me through the work site. He was grateful today’s high would be in the 80’s and not the 100’s.
Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids
Our nephews (9 and 10) attend a school where literacy skills are taught in English, but several other subjects, including math and science, are taught in Spanish. It’s a joy to see the boys use their skills. In 2016, they slipped unselfconsciously into Spanish when speaking with a server from Spain in our Edinburgh hotel.…… Continue reading Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids
Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids
Posted Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids.
Travelling with Cultural Baggage
One of the challenges of travel is having to bring myself with me. If the trip is going to be more than passive entertainment, I have to try to erode my preconceived notions, prejudices, blindspots, and cultural programming. This week I felt shock when I first saw the scene pictured at the top of this…… Continue reading Travelling with Cultural Baggage
Sanborn Maps
Spent my morning electronically clipping Sanborn (insurance) maps of 1910 Minneapolis. Assembled maps for 20 blocks I’ll walk with a friend tomorrow.
Quarterly Topup
Walked on fresh snow to the bus to the Frauenshuh Cancer Center for my quarterly topup (injection). The tumor continues to be dormant. I’m grateful.
Mapping My Next Travels
On a freezing February day in Minnesota, it feels good to think about upcoming travels to warmer places. Today, I’ve been assembling digital and print maps. As usual, my winter trip has several phases, each with its own mapping requirements. The trip starts in the Florida Keys and culminates in a walk from one side…… Continue reading Mapping My Next Travels