Spent much of the afternoon planning to be snowbirds for two months this winter. Unlike many Minnesota snowbirds (who head south in the winter) we don’t own a vacation condo or recreational vehicle. We prefer to rent.
Category: Practices
Japan 2019
Posted Japan 2019.
Japan 2019
Tomorrow we go to Japan. I’ve been visiting Japan annually for several years as a solo traveler. I’m grateful my recently post-work partner now has the time to travel with me. (1) We’ll fly into Matsuyama via Tokyo. We’ll explore southwestern Japan with the help of Japan Rail passes and hiking boots. Towards the end…… Continue reading Japan 2019
Post Work
Dwight’s work life receded into the past as we celebrated with his work family. Grateful.
Getting to the Start of a Walk across the Yorkshire Dales
It has become an annual tradition to walk with two friends for a few days somewhere in the north of England. This year, the hike takes us in a generally eastern direction across the Yorkshire Dales. The inspiration for our trans-Dales walk came from a blog post a friend found. I emailed the blog author…… Continue reading Getting to the Start of a Walk across the Yorkshire Dales
Digital Ordnance Survey Maps
Prepared maps for an inn-to-inn hike next week.
Shortest Move, Ever
Our shortest move, ever. Movers moved our stuff one block.
Edging Toward a Minimalist Wardrobe
This is my complete wardrobe: a total of about forty shirts (mainly tees) and pants, and zero suits or jackets. I’ve learned this is not a minimalist wardrobe. Web sites like The Essential Man (“Style Advice for Grown Men”) recommend fourteen pieces, assuming you do laundry once a week. I’m realizing I can do better.…… Continue reading Edging Toward a Minimalist Wardrobe
Imagining a Hike in England
Started planning a hike with friends through England’s Lake District.
Cranberries in the Stuffing
Thanksgiving Day 2018, a good day to celebrate friends and family, and to be grateful. We put fresh cranberries in the stuffing.