At the end of a walk, two friends served as witnesses as Dwight and I had our updated estate planning documents notarized. Celebrated next door at fabulous Cardigan Donuts.
Category: In This Together
Diverse Walk
On my diverse walk: an art gallery, a gingerbread Hardanger violin, and lefse for later at Norway House; American Indian galleries at All My Relations and the Minneapolis American Indian Center; tonkotsu ramen, and Chinese broccoli (for later) at United Noodles, an Asian supermarket.
Empty Lobbies
Walked through empty corporate lobbies while running errands Downtown.
Remembering My Dad
Winnowed down our worldly goods, enough for two carloads for Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity. Dwight inadvertently put this scarf on the Goodwill pile, but I rescued it. My dad wore it while serving in the Home Guard during World War II.
Oblivious to a Changing World
Spotted these at the Andersen Library, University of Minnesota. Also on display was a thoughtful letter from a 19-year-old to the author (both female). The author’s response was condescending, rude, and oblivious to the changing world of the 1970’s.
Unlearned Lessons
Spent the morning at the Minneapolis Institute of Art seeing the Vietnam War through the eyes of artists opposed to the war at the time. There’s too many lessons still to be learned.
Brunch in a Former Fire House
Enjoyed a fine brunch in this newly refurbished space. In 1885 this was St. Paul’s first fire house. Last summer, when a friend and I cycled to former St. Paul fire houses, the interior was dilapidated and abandoned.
Nagasaki Origami Peace Cranes
Tateyama Air-raid Shelter. Peace Park. Memorial Hall. Business hotel.
Nagasaki Peace Park
Origami peace cranes, Peace Park, Nagasaki.
Human Decency
Stood for human decency with many thousands of Minnesotans outside Target Center, Minneapolis. Inside, the president had a different agenda.