Moving in a Time of Lockdown

Walking March 25, 2020. An eerily quiet Minneapolis/St. Paul MSP, walking towards the light rail station. Lane closed to traffic to promote social distancing, West River Road, Minneapolis. Behind the A-Mill artists lofts, across the Mississippi from our home. Railroad switch, a punch of color. I’ve only once seen a locomotive here; the train operator…… Continue reading Moving in a Time of Lockdown

Video Happy Hour

Weekly family happy hour was about to begin using our sophisticated FaceTime videoconferencing system.

Categorized as Family

Happy Places

Happy place. A memory, situation, or activity that makes you feel happy.Cambridge Dictionary. November 2019. I’m on a nonstop Delta flight from Seoul ICN to Minneapolis MSP on a brand new Airbus A350. I’m contented, sipping wine, snacking on nuts, and anticipating the Korean dinner I’ve preordered. I look out the window and see only…… Continue reading Happy Places

Home-Made Masks

Desperadoes about to enter a supermarket. Dwight did a fine job sewing the masks.