Minneapolis Protest Street Art

The elderly white woman periodically topped up our wine glasses. When she decided we were sufficiently lubricated, she turned the conversation to race, specifically African Americans. “They need to get over it,” she announced, repeating with added vehemence, “Get over it.” That conversation has been reverberating in my head as I’ve been looking at street…… Continue reading Minneapolis Protest Street Art

Protest Art

Cycled across South Minneapolis looking for some of the extensive street art created, mostly with permission, on the plywood of boarded-up businesses. The artist painted this “in hopes of healing and hope for the future.” “Say his name. George Floyd. He was a human being.”

Everything’s Online

While Dwight received instruction from his yoga teacher via FaceTime in one room, my GED student and I reasoned through language arts via Zoom in another room.

Looking Up to Hubert Humphrey

On my cycle ride, looked up to former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey. When he became mayor in 1945, job and housing discrimination against Jews and African Americans were legal in Minneapolis. He put processes in place to reform the system and stop blatant discrimination.


Spotted this innocent scene while cycling along a residential street: Barbie and friends, oblivious to systemic racism, Covid-19, and each other. A little girl was down the block, playing with a friend, on to the next thing.