Back to School

Digs for my new Friday noon gig where I’ll be working with six adult non-native English speakers on GED Reasoning Through Language Arts. It’s energizing being with learners who want to learn.

There’s Stories Everywhere

My cycle ride took me to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Fireplace in St. Paul’s Como Park. Kilmer was a poet (“I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree”) who was killed in the Second Battle of the Marne in World War I. He never visited Minnesota.

Categorized as Arts, War

How We Spent July

Finally completed a Web page about the family trip to Spain and Portugal in July. The carousel at the top has long-form posts, and the timeline, below, documents something about each day. Click through for a link.

Spain and Portugal Vacation Pix

July 2022, we had a family vacation in Southern Spain and Portugal: my partner and me, our two teenage nephews, and their parents. We’ve traveled many times together, so this was an easy, mostly relaxed trip. You can find further trip posts, including daily microposts, here. 1. Nerja,Spain We arrived Nerja, Andalucia, on-schedule after an…… Continue reading Spain and Portugal Vacation Pix

Cemetery Stop

My friend, Dave, sometimes likes to include a cemetery on our Tuesday cycle rides. Today, at Hillside cemetery, we visited his Aunt Ruth, a beloved kindergarten teacher for 50 years. Her ashes were interred here in 2008.

Ambivalent about Rain

Walked in heavy rain to the farmers market at Mill City Museum. Filled a pack with local produce: bacon brats for Sausage Saturday, tomatoes, green beans, and Indian eggplant. Today’s rain deterred shoppers while making a dent in the drought: farmers are always at the mercy of the weather.

Communication Styles

Tutored, without fear of passing on my lingering cold. Today we discussed Rosa Parks, and different styles of speech and writing when honoring her legacy.

A Goose Chase

We divided into three teams for a scavenger hunt I’d created for the GooseChase app. The theme of six “missions” was “Nerja Rocks (Literally).” Goofy photographic evidence was encouraged; pixelation protects reputations.