Bonus post at the Governor’s reception room at the State Capitol. Our homemade metal detector handle sticks out of my backpack. The circuit board our nephews soldered is hidden in this handle. If a guard questioned us, I promised myself I would not say we were from Ghostbusters.
Category: Family
Soldering 101
Taught my nephews to solder components onto a circuit board for a metal detector.
Untrashed Restaurant
It still feels like a new experience to have a family meal in a restaurant and our young nephews haven’t trashed the place. Axel’s Bonfire, Blaine, Minnesota. They grow up fast.
Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids
Our nephews (9 and 10) attend a school where literacy skills are taught in English, but several other subjects, including math and science, are taught in Spanish. It’s a joy to see the boys use their skills. In 2016, they slipped unselfconsciously into Spanish when speaking with a server from Spain in our Edinburgh hotel.…… Continue reading Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids
Seven Metal Detectors
There are things I have had to do that I’ve only done because my nephews are part of my life. Changing diapers, geocaching, and metal detecting quickly come to mind.Changing diapers is what it is. The little one does what he has to do, then I do what I have to do. Both jobs done…… Continue reading Seven Metal Detectors
Family Picture
Family pictures were taken.
Cooking for Family
Spent much of the day converting these ingredients into scalloped potatoes and braised celery to take to a family gathering. The biggest task was de-stringing four bunches of celery.
Dangerous Birthday Party
Stood by, ready to prevent misuse of dry ice at my nephew’s ninth birthday party at the Science Museum. The kids behaved really well.
In Loco Parentis: Day 4
In loco parentis, day 4. At MSP, riding a tram towards the terminal, about to reunite the nephews with their parents who had just landed.
In Loco Parentis, Day 3
In loco parentis, day 3. Off to school in the first snow of the season.