The Consequences of Being Too Paperless

A few years ago we decided we would eliminate as much paper as possible. Eliminating paper has been a satisfying but imperfect journey. Our records are available to us when we travel, we no longer have a filing cabinet. 100% of our tax records, including receipts, are electronic and meet Internal Revenue Service standards. However, along the…… Continue reading The Consequences of Being Too Paperless


Posted The Consequences of Being Too Paperless.

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Unloaded at……Target: recycled cell phones…OfficeMax: bulk shredding…Home Depot: returned propane tank…Goodwill: donated household items.

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Don’t Use It? Lose It

After squatting in our home for up to 25 years, our stuff lined up, ready to board the Goodwill Express. If we don’t use it, it’s sayonara.

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Worldly Goods

Much of our worldly goods were marched into a Salvation Army truck.

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