Time to Move on a Favorite Rug

Rolled out a rug we both love and took photographs. Rolled it back up, ready to go to its next home. It wasn’t making anybody happy rolled up in our storage cage.

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Imagining Art

Getting rid of stuff before we moved into our present home has given me a new appreciation of uncluttered visual, mental, temporal, and aural space. I’ve gained capacity to think and imagine with fewer distractions; I can prize the space between things rather than the things. The Japanese have a term for this: ma, negative… Continue reading Imagining Art

Less is More

“Less is more” is famously the motto of architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969). The idea is to reduce design to its necessary elements. Less famously, Mies picked up the phrase from his teacher, architect Peter Behrens, in Berlin around 1910. Behrens is considered to be the first industrial designer. In the 1930’s Mies… Continue reading Less is More

A Suitcase Finds New Purpose

My old suitcase headed for the exit. It now belongs to a friend and her daughter. They make felt mittens they’ll display in the open suitcase at shows. I posted recently about this vulcanized fiber case needing a new home.

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