Photographed our playbills, then recycled them.
Category: Home Living
Letting Go of the Big Stuff
We’re not getting any younger. It’s time to move from our home of 25 years to a condo where stairs are optional, and maintenance is someone else’s responsibility. Initially, we are leasing a place with less than half the floor area of our house while our condo is being built. We’ve been getting rid of… Continue reading Letting Go of the Big Stuff
Letting Go of the Big Stuff
Posted Letting Go of the Big Stuff.
Don’t Use It? Lose It
After squatting in our home for up to 25 years, our stuff lined up, ready to board the Goodwill Express. If we don’t use it, it’s sayonara.
Worldly Goods
Much of our worldly goods were marched into a Salvation Army truck.
Our House, Sold
A “sold” sign announced we are short-timers in our home.
Moving On
My old bike, my favorite possession for 30 years, went in search of new adventures. It now belongs to a friend’s grandson.
Letting Go of Patio Furniture
Let go of most of our patio and sunroom furniture; retained many happy memories; gained mental and physical space to create new memories.
Temporary Apartment
Leased this view (Gold Medal Park, Guthrie Theater, Mississippi). We’ll stay here through early 2019 until our condo is ready. I’m grateful.
For Sale
A sign had sprouted in our front yard while we were out for dinner.