Wi-Fi Refresh

Replaced our Wi-Fi mesh which used routers first sold in 2016. Since then, communications standards have improved enough for this nerd to want to take advantage of a Black Friday deal. The Google routers are wired to Ethernet at three points in our home. I’ll convert the old routers into a Doctors Without Borders donation via eBay.

Categorized as IT

Brushes With AI

At the Victoria & Albert Museum it was Digital Design Weekend. Here, museum visitors are on a date with a difference. They’re communicating via phones using language restricted by AI. Meanwhile another AI system is generating social media comments on how the date is going. Elsewhere, machines creating water colors inspired me to imagine the…… Continue reading Brushes With AI

Old Dell, New Tricks

Our 14-year-old Dell was slowing down, so I gave it a new lease on life today by dual-booting Windows 10 and Linux (Ubuntu). Running Linux, it’s blazingly fast and handles almost everything Dwight and I need. Total outlay: $0.00 + too much of my time.

Categorized as IT

An Irresistible Upgrade

Ordered the current Google Pixel tablets to replace these 2018 6th generation iPads. The Pixel tablets are $399 each, but Google is offering a $399 trade-in for each iPad, with free shipping. The only cost is sales tax (6.875% Minnesota, 0.65% Hennepin County, and 0.5% Minneapolis), which comes out to $36.01 per tablet. We already…… Continue reading An Irresistible Upgrade

Categorized as IT

Cheap Insurance

Downloaded files from our cloud service to an encrypted 256GB thumb drive which we will keep permanently. Doing this periodically is some protection from worst-case scenarios like being permanently locked out of the cloud service.

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Death of a Dial Tone

Our VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) adapter decided to brick itself, and no amount of coaxing could bring it back to life. It had saved us a bundle on phone calls over the past 11 years but it was time to order a new adapter.

Categorized as IT

Limits of Technology

Me: “OK Google, add toothpaste to the shopping list.” We’d like to change the wakeup words to “OK Janet”—a kind and wise Scottish housekeeper for two doctors in a 1960’s BBC TV series. Unlike with Google Assistant, Janet would offer to pour a “wee dram” and toothpaste would never run out.

Categorized as IT

Migrating Our Digital Recipe Box

Converted our digital recipe box from Evernote to a folder of .docx recipe files in Google Drive. Evernote is changing ownership, with substantial layoffs, which makes me want to secure our recipes in a standard, open, Web-accessible format that is not dependent on a single company.

Categorized as IT, Cook

Pulling a Cable

Recently I managed to destroy a video cable, so today I replaced it. This was easier said than done, as I had to remove wall plates and thread it down a conduit inside the wall. The computer is 13 years old, but with some simple hardware upgrades Windows 10 performs well.

Categorized as IT

Data Insurance

Took a snapshot of our cloud data, almost filling an encrypted 256GB thumb drive. If all goes well I’ll never use the $20 thumb drive again.

Categorized as IT