Keeping it at Bay

Back at the Frauenshuh Cancer Center today. A tumor marker test is evidence ADT drug therapy is working for the time-being. I’m grateful.


Reviewed eight bills from my Mayo visit last week. I owe $30, Medicare paid the rest. I dream of Medicare for all.

Destination Medicine

The Plummer Library at the Mayo Clinic. This is not a museum: staff and students study here. A couple days ago I took the light rail to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. I walked past destination boards, trying to avert my eyes from the Tokyo/Haneda departure. My destination, Rochester Minnesota, was not on those airport boards.…… Continue reading Destination Medicine

Mayo’s Plummer Library

Between clinic appointments, walked through the Mayo’s Plummer Library. This is not a museum: staff and students study here.

Categorized as Cancer

Labs, Scans, Options

It’s not my usual travel: I’m in Rochester, Minnesota, guest of the Mayo brothers for two days: labs, scans, and review of options.

Categorized as Cancer

The Time I Was Denied Entry to China and How I Got In

I’m in Shanghai’s Pudong Airport about to board a Korean Airlines flight to Seoul. It’s not my choice to go to South Korea today. I would rather go to Japan. I actually have a ticket to Japan (Fukuoka), leaving at about the same time as my Seoul flight. But if I try to board the…… Continue reading The Time I Was Denied Entry to China and How I Got In

Long-Haul Journeys

Almost a year ago I learned I have high-grade prostate cancer. I’m surprised I’m not discouraged by surgery, radiation therapy, and the possibility of further therapies including chemo. My desire to travel is undiminished. 39 daily radiation sessions got in the way of a trip to Hawaii in January 2017. Instead, I planned a trip to…… Continue reading Long-Haul Journeys