A Man in a Machine

I spotted the machine pictured at the top of this post earlier this week. It looks a little cheaply built for a medical body scanner, but that was my first assumption. I’ve met medical imaging systems of many shapes and sizes in recent times. It’s not in the same league as this beauty I snapped… Continue reading A Man in a Machine

Healing with Wetlands

Walked on a boardwalk between two appointments. These wetlands are within the campus of Methodist Hospital, near Minneapolis.

Categorized as Cancer


My new after-lunch treat: an Americano. Weight gain is a side-effect of my cancer therapy. The simple solution is fewer capuccinos and pastries.

Quarterly Labs

Cycled over to Methodist Hospital for my quarterly labs. Tumor continues to be undetectable, thanks to ADT and Abiraterone. There’s no cure, but I’m gladly living with dormant tumor.

Categorized as Cancer

Quarterly Topup

Walked on fresh snow to the bus to the Frauenshuh Cancer Center for my quarterly topup (injection). The tumor continues to be dormant. I’m grateful.

Quarterly Lupron

Cycled to Methodist Hospital for my quarterly injection to suppress tumor. For now it’s working well, tumor is undetectable. I’m grateful.