Beer and bar food for dinner at Longfellow’s. Life’s good.
Category: Eat
Carma Coffee
Pit stop, Carma Coffee.
Mushy Peas
Picked up ethnic foods at Lands End Pasty Company in the Dinkytown neighborhood of Minneapolis: Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, and, drum roll please, a can of mushy peas. Takes me back to my childhood.
Spotted taro in an Asian market, but I’ll not be adding it to my repertoire. Traditionally, it’s boiled then mashed to form poi, a purple, viscous liquid. I’ve tried poi a couple times in Hawaii, and found it bland with the texture of wallpaper paste.
European Food Tour
Walked to a store that’s been in business for almost seventy years to load my backpack with locally made, multicultural goodies: pierogi (Poland), lefse (Norway), and bangers (UK/Ireland).
British Pasties
Walked to the Dinkytown neighborhood to a place that’s just opened up specializing in pasties. Bought two for us to enjoy today, and two to freeze for another time. I’m partial to British-style savories en croute
100% Real
On my way to a pharmacy counter, walked past extraordinary quantities of Cheez-Its that were insisting they’re 100% real.
Trail Lunch
Our hall table, items for a state park hike tomorrow. Earlier today, ducked into Trader Joe’s to pick up supplies. The store had been reorganized yet again, I couldn’t find gorp in the usual spot, so grabbed the first things I saw. Lunch on the trail will be good, it always is.
Potato Lefse
Lunch included homemade potato lefse, a gift from friends who made these fine examples of the traditional Norwegian flatbread.
Marilyn Merlot
The 2001 Marilyn Merlot we’d been holding onto most of this millennium for a special occasion was corked. We substituted a cheeky young Pinot Noir to complement our slow-cooked turkey thighs. We’ll reduce Ms Merlot to a syrup to pour over ice cream