Daily Microblog
Norway Day
At Minnehaha Park, on our cycle ride this morning, we passed the annual Norway Day festival.
Visited a LEGO club in a former WW2 bombsight factory. Viewed complex models, and the nephews built vehicles to race.
Bouncing off Walls
We have them for two days. We started with them bouncing off the walls.
Empire Coffee
We resisted the temptation to cycle right up to the counter.
The Moment
Life, Phase 3: On walk to downtown library, coffee in a real cup, muffin on a real plate, and time to Tweet about it.
Fiber to the Basement
Signed up for fiber to the home: half the price of DSL or cable. Local service provider, no teaser rates or bundling.
Plant 4, Building 3
A friend and I cycled past “Sperry Univac, Plant 4, Building 3” (now Unisys) in Roseville where we worked in 1979.
100 Years Ago
WW1 started 100 years ago. I posted to commemorate my grandfather who fell in the Great War.
Pure, Dumb Luck
Used a low-tech solution to bring an ancient CPU back to life: a blast of air at the connectors. Pure, dumb luck.
Happy Flowers, Unhappy Weeds
Spent the morning gardening among happy flowers, and unhappy weeds.
Modest, But Exciting
Run, cycle, lunch. Later, friend arrives, grill burgers. 7 p.m. this modest firework show. Plenty excitement.
Psycho Suzi’s
Cycled N. Minneapolis with a UK friend. Enjoyed Surly and tater tots at Psycho Suzi’s where tiki meets Mississippi.
A Fine Atrium
Walked under a grey sky to the downtown library. The sun then came out and looked rather fine in the atrium.
Ignoring Barriers
Wrote about ignoring barriers.
Let the Rain Go Away
Got out the car, ignored the rain, started cycling the Gateway Trail. The rain then ignored us, and the sun came out.
Lake Harriet
Breakfast at Lake Harriet, then onwards to overflowing Minnehaha Creek.