1893 pioneers’ farmhouse. Hokkaido settled by Japanese, 1860’s on. C, D: Ask Mom about farmer settlers in our family.
Category: Place
Hokkaido Museum Day: Trains and Beer
The trails around Otaru are still buried under snow drifts, so time for plan B: Museum Day. Otaru (Train) Museum Otaru had the first railroad on Hokkaido. One of the many snow plows on display I wanted to take this home with me Sapporo Beer Museum The old Sapporo brewery (now a museum) There’s something…… Continue reading Hokkaido Museum Day: Trains and Beer
Hokkaido Museum Day: Trains and Beer
Posted Hokkaido Museum Day: Trains and Beer.
Squid Ink Ice Cream
Hey C, D: time for ice cream, or would you rather have the black bean (whole beans) popsicle I had the other day?
Otaru, Hokkaido
Now in Otaru, Hokkaido. As far north as I’m going. Pretty town center, historic harbor area, good rail connections.
View from Mt. Hakodate
Hakodate 8:00 p.m. this evening (Monday), from Mt Hakodate.
Onuma National Park
Hiking Onuma National Park today (Monday). 40-minute train ride from Hakodate. Still winter in Hokkaido.
Post Cards From Hokkaido
C, D. Post cards from Hakodate (Hokkaido). When you get these, you will have cards from all Japan’s main islands.
Hakodate Refreshment
Honey, I’m home.
Buying Hashi
Boni-moriya department store, Hakodate, selecting everyday, made-in-Japan hashi for our kitchen.