C & D: cards for you from the magical Land of Hanalei. Can you draw a map of a magical island where a dragon lives?
Category: USA
Hiking the Kalalau Trail (2013)
March 11 and 12, 2013, our fourth time on the trail. Our first time was in 1988.
Hiking the Kalalau (2013)
Pix from our hike along the Kalalau Trail this week.
Kalalau Beach
Kalalau Beach, Monday. That waterfall was our water supply.
Hey C and D. For some reason “Puff the Magic Dragon” has been going through my head. Can you sing along?
Kauka’opue Trail
Today, on the Kauka’opue Trail pointing to the start of the Kalalau Trail. (Monday, Tuesday this coming week.)
Falling Coconuts
Last morning at Waimea Plantation Cottages–pruning the coconuts. Coconuts on the roof are startling.
Post Cards from Kauai
C and D: Check your mail box for these cards next week.
Epiphyte and me on the Kihei Trail, today, up high in Koke’e State Park.
Old Hawaii Coffee Shop
Old Hawaii “Starbucks.” Perfect espresso in a real cup.