Urban Bike: Car-Free Minneapolis Bridges

Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge.  Below me sixteen lanes of traffic roar. I’m standing on the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, one of many Minneapolis bridges I cannot cross in a car. The bridge takes me between two parks: Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and Loring Park. Loring Park. In Loring Park, the zig-zag approach to this old bridge tells… Continue reading Urban Bike: Car-Free Minneapolis Bridges


Cycled beside the Mississippi past early Minneapolis. Tailraces from flour mills used to drain into this canal.


Lake of the Isles today: Ice-Henge. Various structures are being unveiled on the lake for tomorrow’s Luminary Loppet.

Ice Pillars

Lake of the Isles: ice pillars being formed for Saturday’s Luminary Loppet.

Snow Sculptures

With temperatures rising into the 40’s it was time to see the St. Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures.

Categorized as St. Paul