Rich Harvest

Walked over to Mill City Farmers Market to stock up on local veggies, pasta, cheese, and bread.

Witch’s Hat

Walked to the highest point in Minneapolis: the foot of the “Witch’s Hat” water tower in Prospect Park.

Target Run

Cycled to Target’s Downtown flagship store to buy sunscreen. This mural, with its nod to the company’s 1902 Dayton’s origins, caught my eye.

Farmers Market

At the end of our run, bought vegetables, bread, and muffins at Mill City Farmers Market.

Goldy Gopher

Cycled in search of statuary. First stop: Goldy Gopher, mascot for the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities campus.

Ghostly MTM

Cycled with a friend in search of bronze statues. Spotted an appropriately ghostly Mary Tyler Moore, trapped indoors, still tossing her tam.