Urban Rail Trail

Cycled past lakes, a creek, and a river, but the ride would not be complete without some urban rail trail.

Historic Markers

Cycled through St. Paul’s Dayton’s Bluff neighborhood past Indian burial mounds built 1,500 to 2,000 years ago, and a historic aircraft beacon erected in 1929. The beacon still has a rotating light at the top. It’s one of many that once lit the route between Minneapolis and Chicago.

The Shed

Pushed my bicycle through “The Shed” in Nordeast Minneapolis. Over 300 people work 21st century jobs in the surrounding former industrial spaces. The gantry crane nods to the past.

Axman Surplus

Cycled over to Axman Surplus in St. Paul’s Midway neighborhood to forage for parts for a project. The iron lung has been a fixture as long as I can remember.

Categorized as St. Paul

Peavey Plaza

Walked my bicycle across the pool at the newly restored and reimagined Peavey Plaza, downtown Minneapolis. The pool is one-quarter inch deep, so there’s no need to remove shoes.