Marco Island: walked miles on a crunchy (shells) beach.
Category: Florida
Soggy Paths
Today: saltwater marshes and soggy hiking paths.
Marco Island
AUA/MIA, Air Surinam, then rental car to Marco Island. Lowered median age at hotspot, Snook Inn, closing at 10:00 pm.
South Beach Lifeguard Stands
We walked past South Beach lifeguard stands.
Walking South Beach
Walking South Beach.
Walking South Beach
Walked South Beach: the beach, then the art deco district. It’s more corporate, less edgy, less gay than I remember.
Iron Road to the Capital of Latin America
Tomorrow I leave Savannah for Miami, the end of the line on Amtrak. A journey from a world constrained by history to a place that is still inventing itself. For tourists, Charleston and Savannah are about colonial times and early independence through the end of the civil war. A white history with selective amnesia. Miami…… Continue reading Iron Road to the Capital of Latin America
Iron Road to Dixie
This week I ride the rails south from New York City towards an America that is, in some ways, a foreign country to me. Each night I’ll sleep in a hotel, pausing in Washington, DC, and Charleston, SC. In Savannah, GA, a friend will join me for a couple days. This will be the first…… Continue reading Iron Road to Dixie
Now and Then: Key Largo Memorial Day Weekends
2013 Fearless Bellying up to the bar with Grandma 2011 2009
C and D, Key Largo. Fearless.