Being Prepared

Started collecting stuff for a trip to LA. The TAP transit cards have sufficient value on them for all our Metro rides. The extension cords will be useful in an old hotel on Catalina Island. The remaining items reflect the new normal: we choose to mask-up on flights and transit.

Pause for Tea

Explained the English phrase, “shall I be mother?” to Dwight. (“Shall I pour the tea?”) He thought it was rather sexist, but got the joke, and poured the tea. Pelican Inn, Muir Beach, CA.

Pelican Inn

When in California I prefer to stay in places with a Californian vibe, but, hey, sometimes you have to go with the flow. For the next two nights we’re staying in the Pelican Inn, Muir Beach, CA, a British-style pub. Our room is just a little over-the-top for a couple of hikers. Incidentally, the plumbing…… Continue reading Pelican Inn

Settling in One Place for a Month

This winter we stayed in an apartment in Palm Springs for a month. Until this year, we’ve never settled in one place for that long when traveling. The number one reason we went to Palm Springs is easy access to hiking trails: we walked to mountain trails right from our front door. The daytime temperatures…… Continue reading Settling in One Place for a Month