
On my Lake of the Isles jog today: Icehenge setup. The wooden forms will be removed and the resultant ice columns illuminated by candles.

US Bank Stadium

Toured the billion dollar US Bank Stadium. I saw some of the thousands of feet of pipes for the centralized beer distribution system.

Mary Tyler Moore House

Jogged past the “Mary Tyler Moore House.” In 1973 the owner put up an “Impeach Nixon” sign to discourage filming of more establishing shots.

A Red Solo Cup

This morning I read that the developer of the red Solo cup, Robert Hulseman, had died. The cup was first produced in the 1970’s and is known to generations of students as the cup of choice for keggers. It’s also the preferred growing container for cannabis. I took the photograph at the top of this post… Continue reading A Red Solo Cup

1929 Reflections

Looked at a reflection of the Foshay Tower from the open-air observation deck at the top of the Foshay Tower. It was completed in 1929.