Pelican Inn

When in California I prefer to stay in places with a Californian vibe, but, hey, sometimes you have to go with the flow. For the next two nights we’re staying in the Pelican Inn, Muir Beach, CA, a British-style pub. Our room is just a little over-the-top for a couple of hikers. Incidentally, the plumbing…… Continue reading Pelican Inn

Meatless Sausage

Something different on my walk: picked up Italian sausage from a butcher that doesn’t sell meat products, The Herbivorous Butcher. It was good on a pizza for lunch, and the rest will go into our weekly Sausage Saturday cabbage braise.

Swans for Hire

Cycled with a friend to St. Paul’s Lake Como where swan pedal boats clustered offshore.

When The Cat’s Away…

When Dwight drives up to Fargo to visit his mom, I cycle out for tonkotsu ramen, or watch a musical, or fly to Chicago, or some or all of the above. Today I cycled to moto-i for tonkotsu ramen, with sumo on the side. Next up: a musical.

Settling in One Place for a Month

This winter we stayed in an apartment in Palm Springs for a month. Until this year, we’ve never settled in one place for that long when traveling. The number one reason we went to Palm Springs is easy access to hiking trails: we walked to mountain trails right from our front door. The daytime temperatures…… Continue reading Settling in One Place for a Month