Common Ground

Looked up at a Downtown sidewalk reflected in a mirrored canopy: two men playing a supersized game of chess, me, my bike, sidewalk art, all reduced to a common visual style.

Being in the Moment

A recent article in the local paper declared the Twin Cities to be “a hotspot for labyrinths.” This morning, I sated my curiosity by visiting one at Bethel Lutheran Church in South Minneapolis. A nearby sign suggested walking the pathways while meditating. I got back on my bicycle instead. I’d consciously been in the present… Continue reading Being in the Moment

No Adult Literacy Services Here

Wrote to each Hennepin County Commissioner asking them to right a wrong. The $67 million (annual budget) county public library system no longer provides GED and ESL adult literacy services. Recent immigrants have lost an important step-up in life, and I now need to go elsewhere for expert assistance with tutoring. Franklin Learning Center (Minneapolis)… Continue reading No Adult Literacy Services Here

On High Ground

Not exactly the source of the Nile, but interesting nonetheless while cycling with a friend through Reservoir Woods Park. An image search for this 30-million gallon tank, part of St. Paul’s water system, brought me to photos of Mongolian yurts.

Wake-up Weather

Wake-up weather presaged a steamy couple of days. This afternoon I imagined myself in New Orleans as I rode my bike along leafy streets with a stop for ice cream.