Wild Turkeys go to College

Spotted on my cycle ride through the University of Minnesota where wild turkeys wander freely around the campus. Here, they’ve apparently torn up protective straw fabric to get at grass seeds.

Watching the River Flow

On my walk, Old Man River was frisky. It crests this week, but flooding won’t be an issue in our immediate neighborhood because it flows through a gorge.

Always Something New

On my cycle ride, spotted changes that had occurred over the winter. Apartment buildings were popping up, a traffic circle eliminated the need for traffic lights. Here, a crew is dropping off clips that will fasten rails to railroad ties for the Green Line LRT extension.

Protected Bikeways

Looked for changes that have been made to Minneapolis over the winter. Here, the downtown Hennepin Avenue protected bikeway is now complete. The street that runs past our building will get a similar upgrade.

Normal Times

At the end of my walk, grade school kids had arrived on a yellow bus to play in the park, a sight we were denied during the height of the pandemic. Teachers were calling to them to collect their brown bag lunches. Later, I expect they were going to a classroom at the nearby Guthrie.

Snow Disposal

On my Downtown walk snow was being transported to a melting machine. This method decreases carbon emissions by minimizing the use of trucks and driving distances. I appreciate not having to climb over piles of snow.

Monument to Mammon

While Dwight jogged, I wandered around the Palm Springs “mini financial district” with its listed mid-century bank buildings. This monument to mammon is influenced by Le Corbusier’s UNESCO-World-Heritage-listed chapel at Ronchamp, France.

Sunset over San Jacinto

Watched the sun set over San Jacinto from our balcony. The area in the foreground looks like jungle, but it’s residential. An ordinance prevents buildings from overlooking neighbors’ swimming pools.

People in a Gallery

Complex Surfaces: Man and Disk; carbon fiber, automotive paint, Dwight; Palm Springs Art Museum. Elsewhere little kids interacted with art, giggling uncontrollably at breasts in a painting. Some adults walked, talked, oblivious to their surroundings.