Posted from this downtown Cleveland Holiday Inn Express. Breakfast, war, and rock and roll.
Category: Americas
Cleveland, 2:05 a.m.
2:05 a.m., Cleveland. 20-minute walk to my hotel along empty streets.
Tiffany Dome
Explored Tiffany art glass, including this dome at a Chicago Macy’s. (I’m looking up, 6 floors below the dome.)
Iron Road to Gotham
This week I head slowly to New York City by Amtrak. In Life, Phase 3, you don’t have to rush or be perturbed by inevitable delays. Each night I’ll be in a hotel rather than a train, which gives me a chance to go walkabout in Chicago and Cleveland. My partner will join my in…… Continue reading Iron Road to Gotham
A Free Hotel Night
A contrite email: “We overbooked, we pay for a 4-star hotel.” (My hotel tonight: Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton, $0.00.)
USA, Aruba, Japan 2015
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Walking on Frozen Water
My walking path today: the surface of Lake of the Isles. Next time I visit the lake, the path will be gone.
Lake of the Isles today: Ice-Henge. Various structures are being unveiled on the lake for tomorrow’s Luminary Loppet.
Ice Pillars
Lake of the Isles: ice pillars being formed for Saturday’s Luminary Loppet.
Snow Sculptures
With temperatures rising into the 40’s it was time to see the St. Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures.