I like an airport with palm trees. PSP looking towards the Sonny Bono Concourse. Sadly, there’s no Cher Concourse.
Category: Americas
Another Day Hiking Joshua Tree National Park
One more day of desert hiking, Joshua Tree National Park.
Walked through a narrow oasis among California Fan Palms fed by springs. Agua Caliente Indian Reservation.
Joshua Tree National Park
Hiked Joshua Tree National Park.
Canyon Trail
Walked a canyon trail near Palm Springs.
Palm Springs 2015
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Urban Hike: Early Nordeast Houses
If I didn’t know better I would walk right past this unassuming house. It looks to be about the right size and style for Nordeast (Northeast Minneapolis), and it’s in a typical neighborhood. A typical Nordeast neighborhood has a bunch of churches and bars. There’s five churches within a couple blocks of this house, and… Continue reading Urban Hike: Early Nordeast Houses
Early Nordeast Minneapolis Houses
Posted Early Nordeast Minneapolis Houses.
Former Brewery
On my walk today: former Grain Belt Brewery.
What’s a Stela?
Drove a car2go car, explored on foot, found this “stela” (commemorative, carved slab), drove another car2go home.