Even the Best-Laid Plans…

View of the Thames from our window this morning, swollen and discolored from runoff from recent unusually intense rainfall. We’ve pretty much abandoned the Thames Path, instead finding alternative trails that were usually less flooded and presented fine sights, including traditional thatched cottages. My back muscles tell me tomorrow will be a mandatory day of… Continue reading Even the Best-Laid Plans…

Hike to the Source of the Thames: Day 1

The start of today’s hike west from Oxford was positively bucolic. Soon we were reminded of the flooding that has occurred in these parts. At one point we even walked in our bare feet for a short distance. At Ferryman Inn, our destination for the night, warm showers and pub grub revived us.

The Road to Oxford

At Kings Cross we paused for a selfie, then took the tube to Paddington to catch a train to Oxford to join friends for our hike to the source of the Thames. Somehow, instead of one tube train, we took four trains, or maybe it was five trains as we compounded our navigation errors.

Tales of Two Cities

Compared notes about our day over dinner and suds at The Lamb round the corner from Goodenough College where we’re staying in the David Copperfield suite. This small Victorian pub was good enough for Charles Dickens who lived nearby, and it was definitely good enough for us. Dwight spent much of his day exploring the… Continue reading Tales of Two Cities

Ends of a Trail

We took a train out of London to the Thames Barrier, an enormous structure that protects London from flooding when there’s a tidal surge from the North Sea. The Barrier also marks one end of the 180-mile Thames Path to the river’s source. Next week we’ll hike the path from Oxford to the source, inn-to-inn,… Continue reading Ends of a Trail

Plenty Good Enough for Us

After way too much walking in London, we retreated to our home for the next few nights: Goodenough College, a postgraduate residence. Meals are served in the Great Hall (we’re only having breakfast here). Our room is more spacious but less expensive than a typical hotel room, with a private bathroom, sitting area, and a… Continue reading Plenty Good Enough for Us