Hey D and C. Imagine a tunnel from your home to my home. Tomorrow I travel in an even longer one (33 miles) from islands Honshu to Hokkaido.
Category: Asia
Mt. Mitake
Friday: “Mountains. Near Tokyo. Day 2.” C, D: this train climbed a mountain (Mt Mitake). Wish you rode it with me.
Escape from Tokyo
Gorgeous mountain hiking 70 miles/100 minutes from downtown Tokyo. You *can* escape the huge city for the weekend.
Post Cards From Honshu
Hi D, Hi C. Post cards for you from Seibu-Chichibu, just west of Tokyo on the island of Honshu, Japan.
Chichibu, Honshu, in the mountains 50 miles west of Tokyo
Bigu Feetu Around Matsuyama
Today (Tuesday) was a day to pause the journey. Besides it rained hard all day, which would have made hiking less pleasant. Time to be a consumer of sights. I knew Matsuyama was a really cool place when I saw this heading along the streetcar line: I headed over to Matsuyama’s #1 sight (or is…… Continue reading Bigu Feetu Around Matsuyama
How I Spent My Last Day on Shikoku
Posted how I spent my last day on Shikoku.
Temple Plumbing 2013
Just after you enter the grounds of a Japanese temple, there’s always a fountain for rinsing hands and mouth. Here’s examples from the temples I visited when I followed the route of part of the Shikoku Henro (“Shikoku 88”). Temple 37: Iwamotoji March 29, 2013. Temple 38: Kongofukuji March 30, 2013. Temple 39: Enkoji…… Continue reading Temple Plumbing 2013
Temple Plumbing 2013
Posted Temple Plumbing 2013.
Temple Bell
Temple 40 of 88. Hey C and D, we are allowed to ring the bell once. Would you share and ring it together?