Snapshots: Circling and Framing a Volcano

Sakurajima dominates the view across the bay from Kagoshima, southern Japan. It’s one of the world’s most active volcanoes, regularly raining ash on the city. Surfaces can feel gritty, accumulations of dust are a hazard to cyclists. Hotel rooms with a view of Sakurajima fetch a premium. Directions are expressed relative to the volcano; e.g.,…… Continue reading Snapshots: Circling and Framing a Volcano

Kurume Olle Hike

Took a bullet train to Kurume where I hiked an OLLE course. I’ve posted previously about the special trail symbols.

Sakurajima Cycle

Took a ferry across this bay from Kagoshima to Sakurajima, an active volcano. Circled Sakurajima on a rented bicycle.

A Welcome Bed

Monday evening, now in Kagoshima, southern Japan. The bed is very welcome: I started out from Minneapolis, early Sunday morning.

Kumamoto Earthquake

Today, thinking about the people of Kumamoto. A kind old man insisted on showing me the castle and nearby gardens.

Categorized as Kyushu