Hiked to 5,600 feet where we could see the smoking landscape on all sides. Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park, southern Japan.
Category: My Kagoshima
Caldera Lake
A caldera lake gradually revealed itself as we hiked up a volcano then along the rim in Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park, Kyushu, southern Japan.
Snapshots: Circling and Framing a Volcano
Sakurajima dominates the view across the bay from Kagoshima, southern Japan. It’s one of the world’s most active volcanoes, regularly raining ash on the city. Surfaces can feel gritty, accumulations of dust are a hazard to cyclists. Hotel rooms with a view of Sakurajima fetch a premium. Directions are expressed relative to the volcano; e.g.,…… Continue reading Snapshots: Circling and Framing a Volcano
My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities
From Karakunidake. There’s nothing like a decent hike after a long series of flights. I previously posted how to get from Kagoshima Airport to a hotel on the edge of the Kirishima Volcanic Group of Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park. The hourly bus from the airport takes you to the Kirishima Iwasaki Hotel in 47 minutes. If you arrive…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities
My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities
Posted My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities.
My Kagoshima: Getting Around the Region
Navigating Japan is not for the faint-hearted. Most overseas visitors arrive in Tokyo, only to enter a world of alphabets they cannot read, streets with non-consecutive house numbers, and train stations that are the world’s busiest. In my previous My Kagoshima posts: I emphasized the need to “chunk it.” Kagoshima Prefecture is a manageable chunk…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Getting Around the Region
My Kagoshima: Getting Around the Region
Posted My Kagoshima: Getting Around the Region.
My Kagoshima: Arriving
My 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 journeys to Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. I’ve arrived in Kagoshima Prefecture on some of the newest transportation on the planet. Arrrive… Benefit: A Good Place to Stay: …by Boeing 787 Dreamliner Quick A hotel on the edge of Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park. (Hourly direct buses from the airport.) This is…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Arriving
Kagoshima Arrival
Posted My Kagoshima: Arriving.
My Kagoshima: Chunking the Map
I’m filled with questions when I look at a map of a place I have never visited. How do I chunk up a manageable journey through this place? How do I get there? Which areas do I visit? Where are the hiking trails? Where are the trailheads? How do I get around? How do I…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Chunking the Map