Suddenly it’s Very Quiet in Lihue Airport

The airport is awfully quiet, apart from the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Most of the flights to the mainland have departed.Dwight has just gone through agricultural screening, before boarding his flight to Phoenix.He’ll continue on to an unusually cold Minneapolis. Suddenly I’m all alone.We’ve had a wonderful time here on Kauai, getting reacquainted with…… Continue reading Suddenly it’s Very Quiet in Lihue Airport

MSP–HNL 2013

MSP–LAX:  I knew he was poison when he reached across my face and tugged on a guy`s sweat shirt (Sweat Shirt was boarding, walking down the aisle) which declared  ‘Fighting Sioux.’ Never mind the good citizens of ND voted that motif down. “Where’s the stupid, angry white person (SAWP)?” tee shirt, I was thinking.SAWP then…… Continue reading MSP–HNL 2013