Inbound Train

Sunday: the Empire Builder departed Portland, Oregon. Tuesday: I’ll board this train when it reaches St. Paul.

All the Maps I Need

Loaded maps for the entire USA and Japan onto this card, with room for 10 times as many maps. I like to travel light.

Travel Gear: Eye-Fi Card

The best travel brings me face-to-face with the unexpected. I try to welcome the unexpected as part of the great adventure. Something to relish, a puzzle to solve, or an opportunity to practice wisdom and move on. With a bit of luck, I get to choose whether to make the unwelcome a positive experience, or…… Continue reading Travel Gear: Eye-Fi Card


Posted about how to avoid losing photographs, even if you lose your camera.

Bus There, Walk Back

Bus to NE edge of Minneapolis. Walked back home through a variety of neighborhoods including postindustrial Nordeast.