Downtown had its head in the clouds, it rained pretty much all day: time for LEGO. Instead of relying solely on a solid state gyroscope, I wanted to develop a better intuitive grasp of the physics involved. So, I built a test rig with an actual spinning flywheel. It flew apart, leaving my electronic robot…… Continue reading Practical Physics
Category: Play
Balancing Act
Built a self-balancing two-wheeled robot, a copy of a design I found on the Internet. It wanders around autonomously ‘seeing’ with an ultrasonic sensor and maintaining balance using a gyro sensor. After about ten minutes the robot suddenly accelerates and falls over, hence the carpet. I need to slow down and understand the algorithm from…… Continue reading Balancing Act
Ready for a New LEGO Project
Decided my next LEGO quest is one- or two-wheeled and two-legged contraptions that don’t fall over. Truck front-end assemblies haven’t captured my imagination, perhaps because they tend to rely on composite LEGO parts to circumvent engineering challenges, or maybe trucks aren’t my thing. I’ll need a LEGO MINDSTORMS gyro sensor, just ordered via eBay (because…… Continue reading Ready for a New LEGO Project
Phone and Brick Play Nice
After putting the task aside in frustration, finally got an old phone to talk correctly with a LEGO computer brick. I’ll use the phone’s spatial sensors to control motors while I explore truck front-end assemblies.
Overthinking LEGO
These LEGO parts arrived to brighten up this rainy day. I’ll use them to experiment with building vehicle front ends. In the past I’ve steered (!) away from cars and trucks, but this injects variety and I’ll learn stuff. Also arrived today via Kindle, borrowed from the Hennepin County Library, “LEGO and Philosophy”: philosophy professors…… Continue reading Overthinking LEGO
Planning a Beast
Continued planning my next LEGO adventure: the front-end assembly of a front wheel drive truck. It’ll feature steering, a differential, and independent suspension: plenty subsystems for me to study and build. I’ve been checking my gears drawer for parts and building a shopping list. In the front, note my proud display of shock absorbers. In…… Continue reading Planning a Beast
Finding Inspo
Took in some of my favorite sights on a Nordeast Minneapolis bike ride. Between Bauhaus Brewery and the headquarters of modern furniture company Blu Dot, this silent gantry crane nods to the building’s industrial past. Last year this scene inspired me to create a LEGO gantry crane.
LEGO and War
On my cycle ride, stopped at the showroom of Brickmania, a Minneapolis company specializing in LEGO-compatible military parts and model kits they’ve created based on real-world military designs. Some kits were over $1,000. Brickmania also accepts commissions to build huge LEGO military models. The LEGO Company itself doesn’t manufacture sets based on real-world military conflicts.
Introducing Beest Één
Today I made a one-minute video to introduce my first Strandbeest, Beest Één, an 8-legged walker built with LEGO Technic. I was inspired by the massive Strandbeests of Dutch kinetic artist, Theo Jansen. This particular model is largely based on a design by DIY Walkers. Click through to watch the movie.
Strandbeest Construction Zone
Grouped LEGO beams for five legs of my strandbeest. Having built three legs already, I’m now looking to maximize the efficiency of constructing the remaining ones.