My walk, today, included Near North Minneapolis.
Category: Walk
My Shortest Urban Hike Ever
Around the turn of the nineteenth century, movers and shakers built some standout homes on Lowry Hill, Minneapolis. Last week I decided to get to know part of the neighborhood a little better. I’d had surgery the previous week, and the chosen day promised to be the hottest in four years. This would be my shortest urban hike,…… Continue reading My Shortest Urban Hike Ever
Walk to the Edge of Minneapolis
Walked to Nordeast and to the edge of Minneapolis. As thunder rolled in, drove a car2go back home.
Walk, Bus Home
Walked as far as I wanted, then took the bus home. Played with the Prisma Labs photo app on my phone.
Walk to Uptown
Walked to Uptown for lunch and grocery shopping. It feels good to be doing mundane, everyday stuff.
Steps to Fitness After Prostate Cancer Surgery
This week I’ll walk into a hospital feeling fit, with no symptoms. Dr. “Zap” will sit at a console at the side of an operating room. Across the room, a da Vinci robot will carry out his instructions via five small incisions. Good riddance to my prostate, a ticking time bomb. (I’ll miss it, though.)…… Continue reading Steps to Fitness After Prostate Cancer Surgery
Saw the sea from Matsuyama Castle, so went to the sea. At the sea realized two Shikoku 88 temples were near… . etc.
Travel Gear: Hiking Pants
As I was stretching, clambering, grappling over rocks in Kirishima National Park, I replayed in my head the most recent encounter with a fellow hiker. The woman had made the usual greeting, then a look of dissonance flashed across her face. I’d seen that look before when I’ve thoughtlessly put a shoe on tatami, or…… Continue reading Travel Gear: Hiking Pants
My First OLLE Hike
Followed symbols through farms, villages, woods, and by the ocean in southern Kyushu. My first-ever OLLE hike.
Hiking Above Clouds
When I pulled open the drapes this morning, I decided to drop my plan to go directly to Kagoshima City. Instead of yesterday’s unrelenting rain, sunshine was trying to penetrate mist. It was time for a bonus hike.I had less than 60 minutes to dress, pack, slow down enough to enjoy breakfast, then check out…… Continue reading Hiking Above Clouds