Happy Places

Happy place. A memory, situation, or activity that makes you feel happy.Cambridge Dictionary. November 2019. I’m on a nonstop Delta flight from Seoul ICN to Minneapolis MSP on a brand new Airbus A350. I’m contented, sipping wine, snacking on nuts, and anticipating the Korean dinner I’ve preordered. I look out the window and see only…… Continue reading Happy Places

Open Road

It was easy to maintain social distance on our walk this morning. One or both lanes of this road have been made pedestrian-only for several miles.

Hiking Abandoned Roads

Hiked another barricaded, abandoned road in another lovely valley. With the closure of Volcanoes National Park, and state and county parks, we’re improvising with abandoned roads, back-country roads and former sugar cane haulage roads.

Urupukapuka Island

We’re staying next to the Bay of Islands in New Zealand’s Northland. Today we took a ferry to the largest island, Urupukapuka Island, then hiked. Some of the trails were hard going, but we were often rewarded by gorgeous 360 degree views.

Heaphy Track

The Heaphy Track in nearby Kahurangi National Park gradually climbed up a mountain, occasionally revealing other mountains through gaps in the trees. We hiked for the day, but found ourselves wishing we could hike the full track, end-to-end, over 4 days.