Longest ride this year: 39 miles round-trip on Luce Line. Revived by a frosted cinnamon roll, mid-ride, at Watertown.
Category: Move
Wild River
Cycled across the Mississippi on Stone Arch Bridge on the way to Roseville to meet a friend for lunch.
Ice Cream at Lake Como
Cycled with a friend to Lake Como, St. Paul. Enjoyed an ice cream, then cycled back.
Walk to Library
Caught this view when I walked out of Minneapolis Central Library today.
Forgiven Trespass
We walked our bikes across this bridge, avoiding eye contact with BNSF workers, hoping our trespass would be forgiven
Root River State Trail
Cycled half the beautiful Root River State Trail in SE Minnesota with a friend. Refueled with ice cream and lefse.
Snapped Derailleur Cable
Rear derailleur cable snapped, so I diverted to Freewheel Bike for emergency ice cream while my bike was in dry dock.
Urban Hike: Nordeast Minneapolis
Nordeast, looking towards Downtown.Last weekend, the annual Art-a-Whirl artists’ studio tour drew crowds to Northeast Minneapolis (“Nordeast”). Nordeast was a quieter place back in February when I went there on an urban hike.It was a winter’s day, but I took advantage of the shoveled sidewalks and warm, locally owned businesses for coffee and lunch. I felt a strong…… Continue reading Urban Hike: Nordeast Minneapolis
A Walk Through Nordeast Minneapolis
Had to drive today to avoid lightning. So, I wrote about a walk through Northeast Minneapolis.
Cycled through the grittier side of Minneapolis. It was good to be on a cycle path, and not on a freeway.